Tuesday, November 3, 2015

THG Halloween 2015

The Hettema Group took time out of our busy day this past Friday to celebrate Halloween.  The THG Administrative team was kind enough to invite the whole group to a formal gathering of lunch, sweet treats, and a wide spectrum of costumes.

Our casual morning walk to our desks was transformed into a runway of famous Star Wars characters, growling zombies, space cowboys, and the infamous Colonel Sanders.  Around noon the whole team gathered at Happy Trails Catering, in Pasadena, for a delicious lunch and costume competition.  We have to formally thank the Happy Trails staff for behaving as judges that day; we had our employees Keith Kaminski, Nicole Balderrama, and David Lepor, take 12t 2nd and 3rd prize that day.

Please enjoy some of the images we’ve shared from our Halloween festivities.

3rd Place Winner was David Lepor on the right. 
1st Place Winner - Keith Kaminski 

2nd Place Winner was Nicole Balderrama, on the far left. 

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